Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Before you contact our support, please check if you can find the answers below:

Pharmaceutical-, Chemical-, Cosmetic- or Food Raw Material Producer

Upload documents and files:

jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, mp4, m4v and mov

The maximum file size is 150 MB. Should you need support for a bigger file size, please let us know.

Yes, you can now also upload CoAs which your customers can download by entering the batch number.
However, your customer can only download it, if their account is connected with your company. As soon as their email address is uploaded in your sharing menu, they are connected. 


Yes, if a whole parent folder is shared and a new document is added to that folder, the customer will also be authorised to access it.

Go to Sharing and click on the tab ‘Shared with overview’, next to the product you can see a number which indicates with how many customers the product is shared with, and if you click on the user icon, you can see with whom it is shared. In the menu ‘Reports’ you can also draw a report to review this information in an excel file.

Yes, go to ‘Reports’ where you can generate an excel file.

Customer accounts:

No, they might still be active for another producer. You can ‘unshare’ all your documents with the customer and they will no longer be able to access your portfolio.

Please send it to support, we’ll check first if it is not active anywhere else and delete it for you.


At the moment it is not possible. Please inform us, we can look into this.


We send you an invoice and charge on a yearly basis, based on the number of products you list and needed storage space. For the following year, the invoice is sent three months in advance before the contract runs out.

Yes, we mainly work with invoices but we also accept creditcards.


Yes, only downloading documents and sharing them is free. 
If you would like to also upload your documents or documents of other producers, you can upgrade to a chargeable account. To upgrade your account to a chargeable account, go to your account and on the upper right side select ‘Upgrade account to upload your own documents’. We will then contact you regarding the costs. 

Yes, if you would like to also upload your own or other documents, you can upgrade to a chargeable account. To upgrade your account to a chargeable account, go to your account and on the upper right side select ‘Upgrade account to upload your own documents’. We will then contact you regarding the costs. Please let us know roughly how many products you would like to list and we will send you an offer.

If you are a distributor and upgraded your account to upload your own documents, you find ‘Documents’ in your menu. Under ‘Documents’ you find as a default ‘Shared Documents’ these are the document which are shared with you (it might be empty). There you can’t add any of your own documents. Change to ‘Documents’ – ‘Product Portfolio’, here you can add your own documents.

If you already have an account and don’t remember your password, go to the log in page and press: Reset password
You will get an email to reset your password. Should you not get any email, please check in your spam folder. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have troubles loggin in.


If you already have an account and don’t remember your password, go to the log in page and press: Reset password
You will get an email to reset your password. Should you not get any email, please check in your spam folder. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have troubles logging in.


Please find some instructions for different email programs here.